Smooth Asphalt
The unlimited range of designs and colours offers each city and each project its own and personalised design that adapts to the surrounding environment, thus adding exclusivity and high decorative quality, adding exclusivity to each work created.
Smooth asphalt is a very resistant continuous paving, but also much more flexible than any other flooring, so it adapts to possible deformations of the substrate and avoids breakages due to settling and expansion.
Thanks to the infinite range of textures (which is obtained by varying the quantity and size of the aggregates), personalised effects can then be obtained to have a highly decorative finish, comparable to that of a stone pavement; however, the duration is far greater than the latter and even the installation, thanks to the speed of the paving and smoothing process, allows to obtain an overall cost saving ranging from 40% to 75%.
La pavimentazione inoltre conserva a lungo il suo aspetto originale, infatti anche quando le caratteristiche estetiche andranno perse nel corso degli anni saremo in grado di ripristinare in maniera rapida ed economica le condizioni iniziali.
The smooth asphalt is ideal for sidewalks, avenues, parks, sports facilities, cycle paths and parks.