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Contact Information


Via Emilia, 190
47922 Rimini (RN) Italia
Tel. +39 0541 740356 – int. 100
Fax +39 0541 741545

Sales Department

Main e-mail address
Federico Cesaretti
Mobile + 39 335 84 84 150
Tel. + 39 0541 740 356 ext. 201

Purchasing Department

Main e-mail address

Head of Purchases:
Claudio Castellari
Tel. + 39 0541 740 356 int. 212

Purchasing Office:
Elena Silvagni
Tel. + 39 0541 740 356 int. 204

Tenders and Quotes Department

Indirizzo principale

Domenico Olivieri Engineer
Tel. + 39 0541 740 356 int. 202

Technical Department

Domenico Olivieri Engineer
Tel. + 39 0541 740 356 int. 202

Human Resources Department

Antonio Maestroni •
Tel. + 39 0541 740 356 int. 210

Bituminous Conglomerates Plant

Operator •
Mobile 349 32 84 534
Tel. + 39 0541 742 528

Concrete Plant (CLS)

Operator •
Mobile 335 84 84 153
Tel. + 39 0541 740 668

Research and Development Department

Michele Garavini – Engineer •
Tel. + 39 0541 740 356 int. 400

Weighing Department

Operator •
Tel. + 39 0541 358 103

Integrated Management System and Technological Infrastructure

Main e-mail address
Main e-mail address
Federico Angelini •
Tel. + 39 0541 740 356 int. 203

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